By playlist
Kategorie: Playlists
Info zur Sendung
- X-Ray Spex - Warrior In Woolworths
- Dolly Mixture - Been Teen
- Mo-Dettes - Foolish Girl
- Young Marble Giants - The Man Amplifier
- Girls At Our Best! - I'm Beautiful Now
- Liliput - Eisiger Wind
- Kleenex - Nice
- The Raincoats - Dancing In My Head
- Dolly Mixture - Baby It's You
- Mo-dettes - Paint It Black
- Girls At Our Best! - Too Big For Your Boots
- The Slits - Adventures Close To Home
- Young Marble Giants - Constantly Changing
- The Raincoats - And Then It's Ok
- X-Ray Spex - I Live Off You
- The Fall - Hotel Blöedel
Zugriffe: 3456